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  • Yazarın fotoğrafıThe Üsküdar Claw Editorial Board

Exam Week is Over!

We got through another week, a milestone during these times filled with hardship and uncertainty. After the period of online learning we have been in for around a year, students of each grade came back to school to take their exams in the assigned time periods. The decision of the Turkish Ministry of Education concerning the exams being given face-to-face created a huge backlash amongst high school students all over the country. Objections and disapprovals against the decision, with the idea that education given online shouldn’t be tested face-to-face, were especially expressed on the social media platform Twitter with hashtags such as #SınavlarİptalOlsun #ÖğrencilerÖlmekİstemiyor #SınavVarsaBizYokuz #ZiyaSelcukİstifa and even #TurkishStudentLivesMatter which is an hashtag inspired from the Black Lives Matter movement, a movement concerned with protesting all racially motivated violence against black people. Students who kept up the solidarity and backlash until the last day prior to the exams weren’t that surprised when their requests were declined.

Despite the concerns of healthcare workers and all of the petitions and letters that were written, how were the 1st term exams given throughout Turkey?

How did the process carry out in our school and in Turkey in general?

Were the precautions sufficient?

Is there any possibility of the exam week triggering the expected 3rd wave of the virus?

With the answers of these questions and so much more, our next issue will be with you next friday!


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